Looking Forward to Our New Baby Girl!

Erik's deadline for finding that great job!

September 3, 2008

Its a Girl!

Yeah!! This afternoon we got to see some great pictures of our DAUGHTER! We are so excited to bring this little girl into our home. The due date is February 1, 2009 so we have a little while still, but the last 18 weeks have gone by so fast. Now that we know its a girl Teresa is so ready to go shopping for everything. We already have one outfit for a baby girl that says, "My Daddy Loves Me." I'll be glad to wash it every night so that she can ware is everyday.


The Betitas said...

WOW Congratulations! We didn't know you guys were pregnant! That is awesome:) Now you have to keep us updated REGULARLY! None of this once every three months stuff. =)

Anonymous said...

Big time!! That's great. Congratulations!!

Scott and Jetti said...

Woo freakin HOo! We are so excited for you! And so excited that you finally updated your blog! Good job ricky! Now I want a baby too! But only if its a girl:)

Michelle... said...

Congrats! I am so excited for you guys.

Clayton Jensen said...

Congrats!! I am super excited for you guys!! Now just two more girls til the boat!!

The Highland Hill's said...

she is so adorable...

Sam and Melanie said...

congrats!! I'm ecxited for you! Enjoy the warmth while we brave the cold!! :) You should check out our blog...

The Cutest Allens Ever! said...

Hi! This is Shiloh. You two are so cute! I'm glad I found you! You will love having a girl! They are tons of fun! :)

The Highland Hill's said...

so when are we going to see pictures of your new place? and even the nursery? :)